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Diary of a Homeless Man Being Exterminated

Paul's Stuff
22 Tracks, 07:22:07
Updated 3 months ago

The diary of a homeless man who was recklessly and egregiously put at mortal risk by his former "professional" employer of eight years, which did not have the simple human decency to provide a reason why this competent and reliable (but homeless) employee who loved his job and his coworkers so dearly was cast away like mere trash (or a consumed and discarded "human resource").

The imminent threat to his life that his employer deliberately manufactured, did not previously exist.

One definition of Second degree murder refers to death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct. All of the individuals who contributed to the loss of his livelihood knew of his dire circumstances. Yet they did it anyway, with no evidence of conscience or remorse - only misinformation, and offers of hush money.

Apparently, they counted on his lack of family to prevent justice and keep their actions hidden in the darkness. But he has done more than most people with his life: he knows many other people, and his dog tags instruct the coroner who to contact....

He is a creator and builder who works in the light for everyone to see. They are destroyers, who do what they do in the darkness and shadows, off camera. The tools of his trade are open communication and honesty. Theirs are misrepresentation, deception, and legal machinations.

A true story unfolding in real time, inspired by "The Diary of Anne Frank". Syndicated podcast coming soon. Will he survive or not? Perhaps for 3 months - if he gives up the storage facility 1500 miles away that houses EVERYTHING he had to remember his family by, and which he has already paid $30,000 to maintain over 18 years.

Evil cannot stand against truth. And the truth is ENTIRELY on his side.

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